Saturday, May 30, 2009

And the point is?????

I signed up on Twitter a few weeks ago just to see what all the fuss is about. And apparently, the fuss is about NOTHING! I realized I have absolutely no interest in the minutia of other people's lives. Nor do I feel the need to share mine. I am however, fascinated by celebrities and their Twitter obsession. Why do they think we care what they are doing, or who they are talking to? Well, amazingly, a lot of people do! Most mainstream celebs have almost 1 million followers each! That's insane to me. What is also very strange is how celebs basically tell people everywhere they are during the course of the day---this site must be a stalkers paradise! Wait til the first celeb gets attacked, etc. and they find out its because they posted their whereabouts on Twitter--then maybe people will wake up and see how ridiculous this site is. For those of you that enjoy it, rock on--but I will be deleting my account!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Idol chatter

I've been wanting to blog about American Idol for awhile now, but decided to wait until it was over. Why you ask? Because the finale is the best part!!! I love how they pull the most random group of artists out of the woodwork to sing with these kids who were probably in utero when these people had hits. However, these classic artists are right up my alley. I have now decided that I need to be on this show just so I can have the chance to perform with MY idols. This year was like a playlist on my Ipod---Cyndi Lauper, KISS, Lionel Richie, and...wait for it....Queen! If I ever got the chance to perform with Queen, I would lose my shit! My ultimate rock 'n' roll fantasy is singing with Aerosmith, but Queen is iconic in my world. I grew up listening to them and was amazed by Freddie Mercury even as a kid. His killer voice and stage presence still gives me chills. After seeing Adam sing with them last night, I nominate him as Queen's lead singer. Mercury is irreplaceable, but I think Adam has the chops to do him justice. And let's talk about Adam's outfits. I love it--his glam rock fabulousness is very entertaining. Kris is a good singer, but compared to Adam, he is like a choir boy. I initially was anti-Adam, because I felt Idol was curving the show in his favor. They gave him the best production, usually put him last, and never said a bad thing about him. I felt this was unfair to the others. I also didn't appreciate Katy Perry's blatant display of support for him (she had his name embroidered on her cape during her Idol performance)-I felt the Idol producers should never have allowed that. But in the end, Kris won--here's to the underdog! And here's to Adam's future as a kick-ass glam rocker and MAC spokesman! (I wish Adam wore this outfit for the finale--it would've really kicked things up!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Workout update.....

Today I finally did the Kim Kardashian Ultimate Butt Body Sculpt dvd. And let me tell you, it was no joke! I'm already in pain, and I'm not looking forward to getting out of bed tomorrow morning. The routine moved quickly, which I liked. (I'm not into exercising at all, so the sooner its over, the better!) And I like that Kim seems to be a little lazy about it, which I can relate to. She doesn't pretend to be some over-caffeinated, bouncy aerobics instructor who I want to slap in the face. So I actually do recommend it to anyone who was considering buying it (or downloading it illegally). I think guys would enjoy watching it too---for obvious reasons...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gettin' Wiggy With It

So what's a girl to do on a rainy Thursday night in NYC? Call up a friend and go wig shopping of course! A few months ago this would've been a odd concept to me, but a friend of mine has educated me on the excitement of going out in wigs and that not all wigs look like they are Halloween wigs from Party City. Cut to me and Dawn, wig virgins that we are, going to Ricky's in Chelsea--because if you can't find good wigs in the drag capital of the world, you're out of luck. Apparently Ricky's has very stringent wig policies---you have to purchase a wig cap, you can only try on three, and you cant take any pics of the wig heads. weird. Anyway, the salesman must've enjoyed us, because he let us try on as many wigs as our little hearts desired! In the end, I kept it safe with a wig similar to my hair color, but Dawn channeled her inner Lady Gaga and went with a short blond one and a long light brown. All this wiggery worked up and appetite, so we decided to head to Cafeteria, along with Dawn's trouper of a boyfriend Greg. Poor Greg had a horrible headache so he slept in the car while we tried on wigs---he was probably grateful to have the headache actually. We enjoyed a fine meal of comfort food and yelling at each other to be heard over the dull roar that was going on in there. And I finally got some chicken and waffles, after months of searching! The chicken could've been greasier but oh well. All in all it was a great night of dress up, stuffing our faces, and laughing so hard that puking was imminent.
Luckily, Dawn was able to sneak a pic of the two creepy man wig heads they had there---I now share this creepiness with you all...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Summer in the city???

I've always wanted to live in Manhattan, but that is obviously a long term goal right now. So I'm starting to look into the idea of subletting a place for a week over the summer. My friend Annet did this last summer and had a blast-she also warned me how much money she spent doing so! So in the interest of not blowing all my money, I thought it would be fun to share a place with a few people. How cool would it be to live in the city with a bunch of fun, entertaining friends, and see how the other half lives for a week? (And by other half, I don't necessarily mean the filthy rich. I mean people lucky enough to live in the city) So I've been checking Craigslist daily and let me tell you...pickens are slim!! There are a lot of tiny, dirty, cluttered apartments out there! I found a cool looking place in Tribeca that I am definitely interested in....but its a penthouse and goes for $9500 a month (see photos)......maybe next year!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lovin' "MotherLover"

I'm not a big JT fan, but this had me it was filmed in DUMBO!

Measures of success...

I spent most of today at a college graduation and it got me thinking..(because I do my best thinking when I need to focus on not being bored to tears!)...why is a diploma the conventional way of measuring "success" in our society? As someone who is NOT school oriented, its hard for me to understand the importance of a series of letters after your name. Some of the smartest people I know (and I mean MENSA smart), never attended college, or dropped out. Its such a shame that they can't even interview for certain jobs because they don't have a Bachelors degree, etc. On the other hand, I know a lot of dumb people who have a collection of degrees. To me, a degree shows that you paid a lot of money, sat through boring lectures, and wrote some papers. It is not indicative of intelligence or your ability to succeed in a career. I do give a lot of credit to people who make it through school and have the desire to go on to get a Masters, Doctorate, etc. But its not for everybody! (If they had a Masters degree in Fine Dining or Concert Attending, that may be something I'd be interested in.....)
Congrats to my Mom for getting her Masters degree today! I know how hard she's worked and how much she wanted it. Thanks to Apple for inventing the video Ipod, which did a wonderful job of entertaining me discreetly during todays lengthy festivities!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Since summer is just around the corner, I think its time to start attempting to get into bikini shape. I decided to check out the Kim Kardashian workout series (go ahead laugh--if you're not already). I figured it would be a self-esteem booster to work out with someone who has a bigger ass than me. Here are my thoughts so far...(I didn't actually do the workout-I always watch them one time to get familiar with the moves so I don't look like a spastic dork when I actually do them.)
--I think Kim is a gorgeous girl, but no one ever works out with that much makeup on.
--No one works out with a leather corset belt on either, but she explains her reason for wearing it--to remind her to keep her core tight. Yea, ok--admit it just looks good on you Kim, and thats why you're wearing it!
--Her trainer said "Look how far Kim goes down." This made me laugh...a lot.
--There's a random rack of clothing in the background--weird.
All in all, the moves look good so I'm actually looking forward to trying it. I'll let you know if its worth it....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

And so it begins....

Hey all—so I’ve finally decided to start blogging. I figured that the world is finally ready to experience my randomness firsthand. More to follow…