Thursday, June 18, 2009

Flying the not so friendly skies....

I had the pleasure of experiencing a three hour flight delay the other day and decided to use this time to observe the human behavior around me. Let me start by saying that there was an engine issue with our plane, so needless to say I was more than happy to wait for a new plane to arrive. However, most of my fellow passengers were not. The bitching and moaning that went down was ridiculous. And since this is Queens, the bitching and moaning occurred in quite a few languages and accents. I guess impatience transcends any language barriers. I learned several things about people during this time:
-people will complain til they are blue in the face if they think they can get something free in the end (in this case a free ticket)

-when someone is upset, they will voice their frustrations at a very high volume, in hopes that someone will agree and support their complaint cause

-children and flight delays don't mix

-old people always seem to be in a rush for some odd reason

-if someone is smelly or obnoxious, chances are they will be sitting near me on the plane

-apparently, some people are above checking their luggage and love shoving their bags that don't fit into the overhead, therefore slowing the rest of us up. I think they should have airlines that have no overhead compartments!!!

All in all, waiting around these people complaining made me want to tell them that if they didn't want to wait, they were more than welcome to board our first plane....

And this is how I now prefer to travel....

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