Saturday, September 11, 2010
Every Guys a John....
I've never been a fan of dating. I'd rather walk naked through Times Square than sit through an awkward meal with a stranger. That being said, I also see dating as a socially acceptable form of prostitution. There's no difference between having someone buy you a few meals in order to get you into bed than having someone leave some money on your dresser. I love when women say stuff like "Oh he took me to a really nice restaurant" or "He got me a gorgeous necklace" to justify sleeping with someone. Sleep with someone because you want to, not because you feel like you have to work off a nice meal. Men are always paying for sex...fancy dinners, flowers, jewelry, etc. Women are fine with accepting all of this yet if a guy was to offer her money for sex, she'd slap him....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
GooGoo for Gaga
And by the way, I am completely obsessed with her orbit...I want to travel around in one.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Two of These Things Just Don't Belong....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Snorting at the Swine Flu

It seems the mass hysteria that is the swine flu has hit a fever pitch. Healthcare workers, myself included, are being mandated/forced/bullied into receiving the swine flu vaccine. A vaccine that is still in clinical trials. The idea of forcing people to be injected with a brand new vaccine, whose side effects have yet to be seen, is abhorrent and a total violation of civil rights. They (and by they I mean certain gov't agencies that shall remain nameless) are treating this flu like its the Bubonic Plague, when it is in fact less deadly than the regular flu. As of September 10th, 593 people have died of the swine flu, compared to the 36,000 people that die of the regular flu every year. These numbers do not support the need for a pandemic panic. Webster's Dictionary defines a pandemic as "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population". Yes, the disease has been detected in different countries (probably only because they have been meticulously looking for it...or planting it...), but it has in no way affected a large percentage of the population.
The gov't has ordered 195 million doses of the vaccine; 45 million should be ready by mid-October. So if everyone can't be vaccinated at once, who decides who the guinea pigs are that get vaccinated first? Also, once vaccinated, it takes 5 weeks to develop immunity. So there's a chance you could get the swine flu now you've just been injected with God knows what for nothing. My immune system has done a hell of a job keeping me alive so far and I have no interest in insulting it by succumbing to an unnecessary vaccine.
(As I uncover more info on this topic, I will post it...stay tuned)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Straight From The Horse's Mouth...I Mean Ass--More Douchebaggery from Kanye West

This will be the first of many Kanye bashing blogs to come as this man is the definition of all that is wrong in this world. We've seen him throw a bitchfit over not winning a MTV VMA....c'mon its a silver moonman, not a Nobel Prize-get over it. I have shoes worth more than that piece of tin. Then there was the whole "George Bush doesn't care about black people" debaucle. However, tonight's shenanigans at the VMA's was the ultimate display of douchebag. Sweet little Taylor Swift was accepting her award for Best Female Video, when the Lord of the Douches himself appeared out of thin air and grabbed her microphone. A shocked Taylor could do nothing but stand by as Kanye bitched that Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video was the best video ever made, blah, blah, blah. Not sure if he's aware, but Beyonce's video is heavily inspired by/copied from "Mexican Breakfast", choreograped by Bob Fosse and performed by the legendary Gwen Verdon (see clip below and you will see the parallels). So shut your mouth Kanye---but that must be hard to do with your foot always stuck in there.....
Here's a clip of Kanye in action....
And the original "Single Ladies" dance...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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